Grief and Loss During COVID-19

The impact of Covid-19 pandemic has been felt worldwide.  We are collectively grieving many losses; our sense of normalcy, personal safety, human connection, the world as we knew it…the list goes on.  For families grieving the death of a loved one during this unprecedented time, the emotions of grief and the experiences of loss are even more magnified.  As our Bereavement team connects with family members, patterns of struggle and common themes emerge during conversations.  Families are sharing their struggles with not being able to visit with a loved one who is sick, or sit vigil bedside as end of life approaches, they are trying to cope with restrictions for funeral rituals, increased feelings of loneliness as people grieve alone at home while social distancing and missing simple things like the comfort of a hug.

These are difficult and challenging times for all as we process and cope with the pandemic and its growing impact on our lives.  Now more than ever is a time to reach out and connect, especially with anyone who is grieving.  Ways we can help each other; call, text, send a card, set up a virtual visit via Zoom or Facetime, organize a safe visit to meet while maintaining social distance, acknowledge the difficulty of not being able to hug or visit in person, connect to online grief support resources.  And lastly, remember the Bereavement Team at HHHC is also available to support, to listen and to connect.  The Bereavement team is gathering resources and getting trained on virtual support to better support our hospice families and community members.  Please call any time for support or with questions, share our contact info with others who are grieving.  We are all in this together.

Bereavement Contact: Heather Principato, 603-420-1937

“We feel like separate water droplets but we are also ocean”

~Jane Hirschfield

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Home Health & Hospice Care

Home Health & Hospice Care